Elliot Bless: Merging Creativity and Growth

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Meet Elliot Bless


josh elliot bless
josh elliot bless
Thank you for joining me today. As someone who has navigated challenges to turn a vision into reality, can you share what was the biggest challenge you faced in your career, and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge that I faced so far was having to dissolve a business that I started with my mentor. It was something that I believed in wholeheartedly, and he had/has such a remarkable business portfolio that when it was over I felt like a failure, and like I had let him and my family down.

It was tough initially, but I grew up playing basketball, so I ultimately overcame it by starting to view entrepreneurship as if it were a basketball season. So this loss/ opportunity was just one game, but I still have a whole season ahead of me to make it to "the Championship"

Before we dive into the specifics, could you introduce yourself and share a bit about your background and the experiences that have shaped your path in entrepreneurship?

My name is Josh "Elliot Bless" Harris, I'm a Bronx-based Recording & Visual Artist. I was always around music and visual art, my dad is an illustrator, and my parents played music nonstop in the house, so from as early as I can remember, I was always drawn to both creative mediums.

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Reflecting on your journey, What’s a piece of advice you received early in your career that still resonates with you today?

"The journey is the destination"

.This has by far been the biggest anchor for me, and something that I come back to constantly, because regardless of the entrepreneurial journey anyone chooses, there will always be a million potholes to navigate; and the second you feel like you "arrive", you'll stop learning and truly appreciating what you're building.

What trends do you see shaping the future of your industry, and how are you adapting to them?

Direct to consumer product releases are definitely going to continue to shape the future of music, so I'm going to be leaning into that a lot more this year in a variety of ways.

Transparently, I'm most excited to really begin merging my worlds of sonic and visual art, and pairing those into releases as a way to really carve out a lane for myself in the DTC creative space

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What’s one book, podcast, or platform that has significantly influenced the way you work or think?

The Pivot. Love what they've built, and so many episodes have been thought provoking, but the episode with Rich Paul is one that I continue to go back and pull gems from.

How has your definition of success evolved over time?

Success for me used to solely be tied to financial status, but once I became a father I realized time was the only commodity that really mattered, so today success for me really looks like being able to effectively manage time in such a way that allows me to create and also be a present father and husband. Everything else falls into place after that.

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What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your industry?

Don't overthink it.

I've always felt that it was just like driving a car on a roadtrip.

1. In order to progress and move forward you have to gradually put your foot on the gas. If you hesitate or are unsure about what you're doing, the car is going to stall or just completely stop moving altogether. It's the same in music or art, you can't expect motion if you're not putting in the work to continue to propel you forward.

2. If you're not sure about where you're going, look up directions. Engage resources, and leverage tools around you to make the drive more seamless.

3. Make sure you enjoy the company of your co-pilots. Build a team, and set boundaries so that what you're building is sustainable.

What do you hope people take away from your story or experiences?

I always want people to remain persistent. If you have a dream or a goal, just keep going, one foot in front of the other, and create. That's my story; I have a vision, and I'm making it happen one step at a time, I don't care how long it takes.

Network With Elliot Bless:

Instagram: @elliotbless
Email address 3housemgmnt@gmail.com

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