Wellness, Wisdom, and Growth

Welcome to a new episode of 'No Gatekeeping,' Innovative Strategies and Real-World Wisdom for Entrepreneurial Success

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N'Dera Cobbs



Before we dive into the specifics, could you introduce yourself and share a bit about your background and the experiences that have shaped your path in entrepreneurship?

My name is N'Dera Cobbs, originally I began my entrepreneurship in the beauty industry as a makeup artist and hairstylist from Austin TX. I moved to Atlanta, Ga in late February 2023 to pursue Real Estate and during my time in Atlanta I began evolving my personal brand into women's (hormonal) health and fitness from my own personal challenges and documenting my journey, experience, and knowledge through Instagram. Since then I have acquired skills and tools through social media marketing and building my presence and business online.

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What are some red flags people should look out for when entering your industry?

Have discernment and LISTEN to people because they will not only "tell" you who they are but they will most definitely "show" you. If a person makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy then that's your intuition and discernment warning you. Be kind, and lead with service but do not let people use and walk all over you, establish boundaries early on. People that talk about other people negatively and judgmentally are people to stay away from entirely.

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What’s one resource you wish you had access to earlier in your career?

Solid mentorship and better value relationships. I had them but did not realize what they meant until I got older and how to nurture them.

What was the biggest challenge you faced in your career, and how did you overcome it?

My limited beliefs and subconscious conditioning. A lot of my mindset programming was wired to self sabotage out of fear of disappointing those around me. It kept me playing small for a very long time and definitely fed into my obsession with wanting to be perfect.

What’s a personal habit or mindset shift that helped you overcome difficult situations?

I had to understand that the only way to succeed is to fail and that nobody is perfect. Perfectionism really held me back from a lot. Once I learned to accept myself and stop trying to portray the perfect image then I really started inspiring others and feel fulfilled in my sharing my experiences.

If someone is facing a major obstacle or feeling stuck, what actionable steps would you recommend?

Create a blueprint for yourself because when you don't know what to work on, just work on yourself. pray or meditate when you wake up, move your body- walk, go to the gym ,dance (some sort of physical activity), read a few pages or more of a developmental book, and if you have certain goals you're setting to accomplish turn them into affirmations and speak them over yourself multiple times a day- daily.


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What trends do you see shaping the future of your industry, and how are you adapting to them?

Social media as a free marketing tool. I'm making sure to be on that band wagon and develop those skills more because it is literally the future of connecting with people and receiving opportunities.

What’s one book, podcast, or platform that has significantly influenced the way you work or think?

Books: "Happy Pocket Full of Money" "The Mountain Is You", "What You Think of Me Is None of My Business" "UnF*ck Yourself" "You're a Badass" "How to Win Friends and Influence People", and "Rich as F*ck"

Youtube (Podcast) Thought leaders: Myron Golden, Ellie Talks Money, Terri Savelle Foy

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in your industry?

Patience and consistence. SERVICE, above all serve others and it will serve you.

How has your definition of success evolved over time?

At first my definition of success was make a lot of money and have a lot of nice things- which I feel like is typical. Since getting older, and especially since becoming a mother, I really think success is having your time. Time to do and experience things you want to experience. Love and community is so important because it gives us purpose. Abundance in your mind and stability in your peace are successful to me more now as well. Success is a long game, not something quick to achieve, so really nurture what you're going after. Also, being able to rest, in such a fast paced world. We always want to grind, grind, grind but rarely enjoy the fruits of our labor. Being able to take the time to enjoy your hard work is very successful.

Lastly, what legacy do you want to leave for the next generation of professionals in your industry?

Take the fear and the pain and turn it into purpose and passion.

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